One image from lib


![Just One referenced from lib]({property_name.src})

Just One referenced from lib

YAML definition:

  - name: property_name
    image: $lib/images/desert.webp
    height: 460


JSON of the property:

    "format": "webp",
    "width": 805,
    "height": 460,
    "space": "srgb",
    "channels": 3,
    "depth": "uchar",
    "isProgressive": false,
    "hasProfile": false,
    "hasAlpha": false,
    "aspect": 1.75,
    "allowUpscale": false,
    "src": "/_app/immutable/assets/desert.XxFznhXn.webp"

Just a single declaration generating one image from a locally referenced source desert.webp. The object can be accessed by it’s name: property_name . It’s transformed image can thus be referenced by property_name.src .